Explore Money Workbook


I’ve been writing and working in the personal finance space for 14+ years now. So much of the content we see in this space is about the numbers and the rules. I think it’s important to know that information. And, if we want to change anything about our relationships with money, I think it’s more important to understand the emotions behind the numbers.

One of the most common pieces of financial advice you hear is along the lines of: be rational, not emotional. But money is extremely emotional for many of us—and asking us to ignore this feels like asking us to ignore parts of ourselves.

This workbook is an invitation to spend time with this part of yourself—and your money.

When you buy this, you’ll get: a 40-page PDF filled with journal prompts and exercises designed to help you explore your relationship with money and how you might want to be more intentional with it moving forward.

I hope this process of self-exploration leads you to wherever you want to go financially next.

The approx. exchange rate = $17 CAD, $13 USD, €12.

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